Here is just a small sample of some new items we're featuring. For a change we have a few out-of-print titles we've recently acquired.
The Wharfbury Watch-Dogs A scouting adventure story published by Oxford University Press in the 1930s, some classic British children's literature.
Kings of the Queensberry Realm
Every heavy-weight championship contest held in america under the Queensberry Rules, a sketch of every contestant who has taken part therein, and an account of the invasion of Australian boxers.
The Girl's Own Annual
A wonderful copy of The Girl's Own Annual from approximately 1912. A collection of stories, news, crafts, and more for young women of the time. A fascinating document of the period.
'Kubla Khan' and The Fall of Jerusalem
The mythological school in Biblical criticism and secular literature, 1770-1880. A fairly rare book now, at least in hardcover.
The Princess and the Goblin
The classic children's book by George MacDonald, this one dates from the 1920s.
Little Women
Another absolute classic, Louisa May Alcott's Little Women, illustrated by M.E. Gray, a nice copy that Hodder and Stoughton published in the 1920s.
The Mary Frances Story Book
Part of the Mary Frances series which Jane Eayre Fryer wrote at the turn of the century. This particular one is the Adventures Among the Story People.